Online & Ready to Assist

Calculators and other support materials assist in battery specification and more

When your system solution is ready to deploy, or you have questions about battery size or voltage drop calculations, we have the resources ready for you 24/7 on the LifeSafety Power website. With these resources, you can calculate the system requirements and parameters for all your access control and life safety solutions, including wire size, voltage drop, battery standby time and battery size.

Ready for easy download, the calculators cover a wide range of topics – from an excel sheet to configure power, to configuring outputs in five easy steps, to a spreadsheet for performing various Ohm’s Law calculations and more.

There’s also great information on selecting battery size and voltage drop.  We even have calculators for configuring the jumpers on a C4 or C8 and B100 power calculations. If you need all of the above, there’s a download called the FlexCalculator Suite that includes everything listed in one handy document plus a group of miscellaneous calculations such as BTU,  temperature conversion, etc. so you have everything you need for your job at your fingertips.

That’s only a small part of the support we provide to the integrator community. Other online and easily accessible support materials include installation manuals for setup, configuration and operation, application notes as well as software downloads and firmware updates. We also have two white papers online: “Being Smart About Backup Batteries,” and “Inductive Loads in Life Safety Applications,” which may be of assistance.

Remember to turn to LifeSafety Power Inc. for all your intelligent power solutions, and the kind of support that makes installation and specification a breeze.